Saturday, February 19, 2011

PART 2 - Drug Abuse : Effects on relationship

Often, children of a drug abusing parents are easily affected as when their parents are abusing drugs openly, it can push the child in viewing themselves as different in the terms of seeing unusual situation in front of their eyes. (Hayman, 2009) He or she will also feel outward from their peers as they may usually being labelled as “drug addicts child”. 

A child being isolated by friends
Being labelled : ''DRUG ADDICTS CHILD"

Effects of relationships in family
Besides that, drug abuse also will affect one’s marriage. As we know, drug abuse can impair an individual's productivity. For instance, drug abuse makes a husband unable to carry out their responsibility as the family man. It is hard for them to concentrate in doing their job as their mind is not in a rational state. Therefore, they won’t be at work and this will consequently causes them to be fired by their employer. 

Quarrels between family members
Broken family
Other than that, high levels of alcohol and drug abuse will also lead to distress and anger in a marriage. Heavy alcohol can increase the negative and unpleasant communication, and lead to less warmth in a relationship.
Anger in marriage effects the whole family relatonship


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