Saturday, February 19, 2011

PART 1 - Drug Abuse : Effects to health problems

Without noticing that nicotine is the most vicious drug abuse, smokers tend to forget about the effects of every single cigarette that they smoke. Smoking habit will lead to a range of hazardous substance into the body and causes damages to just about every organ. (Adams, 2007) One of the most common health problems faced by smokers is lung cancer. 

Besides that, another serious health complication that is related to drug abuse is hallucinations. Frequently, hallucination is experienced by hallucinogenic drug users. Hallucination is a state where a person sees images, hears sounds and feels a phenomenon that seems real, but actually it is not. (SirGan, 2006) Usually, a person who uses hallucinogenic drugs will also experience some long term effects such as memory damage. It will also contribute to an increment in the risk of mental problem in some people. 

An example of hallucination: Auditory Hallucination
Other than that, one more health problem effect from drug abuse is HIV. Drug is a major factor in the spread of HIV infections. HIV infection spreads easily when people share equipment to use drugs. Besides, sharing equipment also spreads hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and other serious diseases. Therefore, drug abuse seriously affects a person’s health state.

 Hepatitis B


1 comment:

  1. Actually there's a lot of mild cases in anxiety and depression can be alleviated or even eliminated by learning some simple self help techniques and sometimes it can be a matter of just making some simple lifestyle adjustments.

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