Without a doubt, going hi-tech is the need of the hour. Thanks to the ever-evolving technology, life seems to be in the hands of a remote control today!
So, whether it is lowering the temperature of the room or switching channels on the television or even getting entertained, we know what to look for. Talking about entertainment, video games have found a place in every home. They are not only engaging and appealing, but also satisfy a child's urge for excitement and adventure.
The 3D effects imbibed in them add to the sense of fascination, charm and ecstasy. However, did you know that video games can rub the children at the wrong end as well? Video games are addictive entertainment options that can hamper the child's growth and only brings negative impacts on children's behavior.
1) Video games are believed to have detrimental effects on a child's sense of empathy and willingness to help others.
The feeling of “me, myself and I” rises phenomenally. For instance, when two brothers or sisters are playing the game together, their role play is mostly that of enemies rather than friends. It is said competition is good only the time till it is healthy. Regular practice of unhealthy competition in video games is sure to affect the child in real life as well.
2) Increased rate of violence is the foremost adversity that results from video games
Many of today's video games, especially suitable for young boys, focus their attention on violent acts whether it be through weapons, verbal abuse, or fighting. Young minds are easily moulded through the violence in these games, leading them to believe that weapons and fighting are standard in today's society.
3) Video games can caused children to waste their time.
According to studies, children who spent long hours playing video games have a falling academic graph. Often, they prefer wasting their time with the joysticks in their hand concentrating to the games they played rather than studying. They tend to not completing their homework, spend less time studying and have an overall poor performance in studies.
Believe it or not, video games are extremely engaging and appealing.