Saturday, February 19, 2011

PART 2 - Drug Abuse : Effects on relationship

Often, children of a drug abusing parents are easily affected as when their parents are abusing drugs openly, it can push the child in viewing themselves as different in the terms of seeing unusual situation in front of their eyes. (Hayman, 2009) He or she will also feel outward from their peers as they may usually being labelled as “drug addicts child”. 

A child being isolated by friends
Being labelled : ''DRUG ADDICTS CHILD"

Effects of relationships in family
Besides that, drug abuse also will affect one’s marriage. As we know, drug abuse can impair an individual's productivity. For instance, drug abuse makes a husband unable to carry out their responsibility as the family man. It is hard for them to concentrate in doing their job as their mind is not in a rational state. Therefore, they won’t be at work and this will consequently causes them to be fired by their employer. 

Quarrels between family members
Broken family
Other than that, high levels of alcohol and drug abuse will also lead to distress and anger in a marriage. Heavy alcohol can increase the negative and unpleasant communication, and lead to less warmth in a relationship.
Anger in marriage effects the whole family relatonship


PART 1 - Drug Abuse : Effects to health problems

Without noticing that nicotine is the most vicious drug abuse, smokers tend to forget about the effects of every single cigarette that they smoke. Smoking habit will lead to a range of hazardous substance into the body and causes damages to just about every organ. (Adams, 2007) One of the most common health problems faced by smokers is lung cancer. 

Besides that, another serious health complication that is related to drug abuse is hallucinations. Frequently, hallucination is experienced by hallucinogenic drug users. Hallucination is a state where a person sees images, hears sounds and feels a phenomenon that seems real, but actually it is not. (SirGan, 2006) Usually, a person who uses hallucinogenic drugs will also experience some long term effects such as memory damage. It will also contribute to an increment in the risk of mental problem in some people. 

An example of hallucination: Auditory Hallucination
Other than that, one more health problem effect from drug abuse is HIV. Drug is a major factor in the spread of HIV infections. HIV infection spreads easily when people share equipment to use drugs. Besides, sharing equipment also spreads hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and other serious diseases. Therefore, drug abuse seriously affects a person’s health state.

 Hepatitis B


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

VIDEO GAMES : Impacts towards children's behavior

Without a doubt, going hi-tech is the need of the hour. Thanks to the ever-evolving technology, life seems to be in the hands of a remote control today! 

So, whether it is lowering the temperature of the room or switching channels on the television or even getting entertained, we know what to look for. Talking about entertainment, video games have found a place in every home. They are not only engaging and appealing, but also satisfy a child's urge for excitement and adventure. 

The 3D effects imbibed in them add to the sense of fascination, charm and ecstasy. However, did you know that video games can rub the children at the wrong end as well? Video games are addictive entertainment options that can hamper the child's growth and only brings negative impacts on children's behavior.

1) Video games are believed to have detrimental effects on a child's sense of empathy and willingness to help others. 

The feeling of “me, myself and I” rises phenomenally. For instance, when two brothers or sisters are playing the game together, their role play is mostly that of enemies rather than friends. It is said competition is good only the time till it is healthy. Regular practice of unhealthy competition in video games is sure to affect the child in real life as well. 

2) Increased rate of violence is the foremost adversity that results from video games

Many of today's video games, especially suitable for young boys, focus their attention on violent acts whether it be through weapons, verbal abuse, or fighting. Young minds are easily moulded through the violence in these games, leading them to believe that weapons and fighting are standard in today's society. 

3) Video games can caused children to waste their time.

According to studies, children who spent long hours playing video games have a falling academic graph. Often, they prefer wasting their time with the joysticks in their hand concentrating to the games they played rather than studying. They tend to not completing their homework, spend less time studying and have an overall poor performance in studies. 

Believe it or not, video games are extremely engaging and appealing. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

LAUGHTER : the best medicine - PART 2

So previously, we had discovered that laughter benefits us in many different ways right? Now, let's move on to the second part of the best stress relieving method!

There are so many ways to use your laughter as laughter is the all-time favorite stress management strategies. 
Because it's free, convenient, and beneficial in so many ways!

Do you want to know 
Come on, let's discover more! 

T.V. and Movies & Jokes
Have fun and watch funny movies or comedies! It's not necessary for you to go to the cinema watching funny movies. All you can do is just sit back and relax on your sofa at home and just enjoy the movies online or watch some comedies on T.V.. It's just as SIMPLE as that. While wasting your time watching something marginally funny, why don't you watch hilarious movies or find some funny video clips online for you to watch? Besides, go and look up for jokes! Even it doesn't help much but at least, it'll contribute a smile on your face. That ain't bad right?



Laugh With Friends
Going to a movie or comedy club with friends is a great way to get more laughter in your life. The contagious effects of laughter may mean you'll laugh more than you otherwise would have during the show, plus you'll have jokes to reference at later times. Having friends over for a party or game night is also a great setup for laughter and other good feelings!

Find Humor In Your Life
Instead of complaining about life's frustrations, try to laugh about them. If something is so frustrating or depressing it's ridiculous, realize that you could 'look back on it and laugh.' Think of how it will sound as a story you could tell to your friends, and then see if you can laugh about it now! With this attitude, you may also find yourself being more lighthearted and silly, giving yourself and those around you more to laugh about.

PUT A SMILE, even it is a FAKE one :) 

'Fake It Until You Make It'
Just as studies show the positive effects of smiling occur whether the smile is fake or real, faked laughter also provides the benefits mentioned above. So smile more, and fake laughter, then you'll still achieve positive effects, and the fake merriment may lead to real smiles and laughter. This is so TRUE!


Monday, February 7, 2011

LAUGHTER : the best medicine - PART 1

Feeling stress? 
No way to go? 
No ideas on how to cope with it? 
Then, just LAUGH OUT LOUD! 

Do you know, research has shown that health benefits of laughter ranging from strengthening the immune system to reduce food cravings to increase one's threshold pain? There's even an emerging therapeutic field known as humor therapy to help people heal more quickly, among other things. So, all we need is HUMOR! Humor has many important stress relieving benefits. Here goes the benefits:

Hormones : Laughter can reduce the level of stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine and growth hormone. It also helps in increasing the level of health- enhancing hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters. At the same time, the number of antibody-producing cells will also increases. Besides that, laughter enhances the effectiveness of T cells. When we get a stronger immune system, there will be fewer physical effects on stress!

Physical Release : Have you ever experienced the cleansed and the sensation after having a good laugh? Thats it! Laughter actually creates physical and emotional release. So, when you have fun and laugh, it will balanced your level of emotions. 

Internal Workout : When you laugh, you're doing exercise on your diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed. One more interesting fact is that it is also a good workout for the heart! 

Distraction : Laughter will brings your focus away from anger, guilt, stress and negative emotions in a more beneficial way! 

Perspective : Humor can give us more lighthearted perspective and help us view events as 'challenges', making them less threatening and more positive. Positive is much more better that negative! 

Social benefits of laughter : Laughter connects us with others. Do you realize that laughter is contagious? If you bring more laughter into your life, you're actually helping the people around you to laugh more, and don't you realize that it brings benefits as well? By creating the mood of the people around you, you also can reduce their stress levels and improve the interactions between you and them and most of all, it reduces your stress level even MORE! 


    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    SNATCH THEFT : prevent it, deal with it!

    Snatch theft cases is one of the most worrying phenomenon in our country nowadays. Although we had been aware of the dangerous attack of being snatched, we often being careless and the preventive measures are not being applied. Snatch cases can happened anytime and anywhere. The snatch thief often approach his victim on the pretext of striking up a conversation or seeking assistance. Besides, these snatch thieves usually love to snatch their victim from back. There are also many other tricky ways such as soiling the victim's clothing and offering to clean dirt stains on it and also telling victim that his money has dropped on the floor. We, especially females, should be aware of these tricks being applied by the snatch thief. 

    So, let's apply some precautions so that we'll stay safe from being SNATCHED!

    1) Avoid using shortcuts through dark and deserted areas. These are the ports where the snatch theft often takes place.  

    2) Beware of the people who follow or distract you. Avoid walking alone especially at night. 

    3) Carry your handbag in front of you or clasp it firmly under your arm. This extra bit of protection makes the job difficult for the snatcher. If you carry the bag in that manner, snatchers also won't be able to slip your belongings out of your purse or handbag.

    4) Always walk facing on-coming traffic if possible and hold the handbag on the side way from the motorists. This will make the situation more safer as the snatcher who usually snatches the victim using motorbikes will not be able to snatch your bag in the opposite side.

    5) Avoid wearing excessive jeweleries or carrying large amount of cash and flaunt it in public view as this will attract the snatcher to snatch you knowing that you have such amount of money that will benefit them.

    So, there goes the precautions that may help us in dealing with SNATCH THIEVES. Apply it, or you might regret loosing your belongings or even YOUR LIFE. 
